John Smyzer's Ramblings

Friday, August 28, 2009

My Way News - Kidnapped woman hidden in CA backyard for 18 years

   I think we can all agree this is / was an horrific act.  I have been reading many comments from people ‘normally’ against the death penalty who think the penalty should apply in this specific case.

   Me?  I believe in the death penalty; this case is no more horrific to me than any other. And yes, I do believe I personally could pull the lever, squeeze the trigger, inject the drug, whatever method is deemed appropriate.

   I just believe people are hypocrites who want to pick and choose what cases are appropriate for implementation of the death penalty.

My Way News - Kidnapped woman hidden in CA backyard for 18 years

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Passing Thoughts

1)  Know this – post being administered twilight sleep for a colonoscopy, you just might talk (or sing) during the recovery. She said I had a good voice though while singing ‘On Top of Old Smokey’.  I dunno if I sang the clean version, although she had a flushed face while telling me about the voice.

2)  While traversing up/down I29 to Moorehead MN I was thinking of the new Chevy Volt.  Umm, where are the recharge stations gonna be?  Only 60 miles on a recharge methinks it is.  Wonder why the Japanese are focusing on hydrogen.

3)  Fields of sunflowers in bloom are beautiful.  A single sunflower is beautiful in and of itself; a whole field?  Amazing! 

4) I do think The President will get a healthcare bill, albeit watered down.  It is called incrementalism, and as such the proverbial door will have been  opened.

5)  I was one of the 60K + who resigned from AARP.  I was a member mainly to keep en eye on things.  Every time I read the magazine I’d get p.o.’d – I could see they were in favor of what was happening and it was the final straw for me.  The very people they claim to represent – NOT!!! It didn’t really take much to push me over the <finish>line with the illustrious AARP. Goodbye and good luck.

Obama Joker Poster Artist Exposed As Liberal-Leaning Palestinian |

   This is almost too delicious… but, it will drop  from the main stream media post haste. Why?  The poor fellow to begin with is not some white redneck.  End of discussion.  Irony personified.  Love it!!!

Obama Joker Poster Artist Exposed As Liberal-Leaning Palestinian |

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Privacy Issues Re-visited  (from Jul 19 2009)

   July 19th I wrote about being visited by someone from HHS.  The idea was to submit to questioning about what I consider personal information and then be awarded $30.00 U.S. for my participation.  In short I told a Mr. Eduardo Vazquez to hit the road as I was not interested.

   I have now been visited a total of three times, yesterday by, drum roll, The  Supervisor!!! As if that was the key to my participating.

   I was in the midst of dinner… the front door was open so she could see as I approached.  I saw this lady waving like my long lost buddy.  I opened the door, she stuck her hand out to shake… I just looked and said, yes???  She began by saying she was from RTI (the firm hired by the feds). I brought her up short by saying… you people just don’t give up do you.

   She started telling me how important this was and that she being the supervisor was directed to come out to gather this information. I told her I didn’t give a damn if she was  the Son of God.  GET OFF MY PORCH!  THE GOVERNMENT GETS NOTHING FROM ME I DON’T WANT TO GIVE ON MY OWN ACCORD.  And yes, I did yell. 

   Then I went back and finished my sweet corn and roast beef. <burp>

Sarah’s Death Panels

   To me, had Sarah gone about this a different way, she could have scored some points.  Having said it like she did seems to me to be over the top. 

   All you really have to do is use quotes from The President himself to prove your point(s).  You don’t have to make up things like ‘death panels’.  I don’t think even the far left, and I do mean ‘far left’ is ready for that language. 

   All I am saying is, the opponents of this health insurance reform should be able to score points using logical arguments, and their arguments in general can be won by using the supporters (bill authors)  own words.  There are plenty to chose from including the presidents own verbiage.

Today’s Funny

   The President citing the fact FEDEX and UPS are not having any problems – the U.S. Postal Service is, when defending his health care program.  I did a double-take. I guess he uses a teleprompter for a reason.  Too funny.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Obama Health Care Advisor

   I would gently suggest you older folk and those of you who think you will never get older but will, click on the link above and read.  If you don’t get a chill up your spine, you may already be umm, dead.

   When you begin to dig into this whole situation it is very apparent ‘why’ Ms. Pelosi is trying to ram things through.   I hope and pray the old silent majority rises up and quashes this mess.