John Smyzer's Ramblings

Thursday, July 31, 2008

GDP Up Again - Double Last Quarter

Still no recession... course not according to the media.  Anyway, first quarter growth was .9% - 2nd quarter 1.9%.   Tough times?  I guess.  Portfolio down?  You betcha.  Hang tough my lovelies - tis turning around in spite of the media.  The recession has been  so bad that the honorable John Edwards has dropped his college program - read it here:

Guess he's been busy.  Poor John.  Guess he no longer needs the publicity.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

This Is Our Moment - This Is Our Time

Mr. Obama sounds pretty good saying those words doesn't he?  Personally, and I do mean personally, I don't care of someone uses someone else's words.  But I do think the other person should be credited and or acknowledged.

Bono spoke the words at Live 8, view the video here:  Bono saying the words or here:  A little more  info on this issue

The Governor of Connecticut also used the words in 2005.  I guess it doesn't matter in the final analysis, but I for one am grateful for the Internet.    I have said in the past and will reiterate here; I believe the Internet is the biggest thing to have happened to this world in my lifetime.  Ya just cain't git away with it anymore.

Just Musing

I saw Sean Puff Daddy Combs on TV the other day.  Ole Puff has a line of clothing he pimps, I mean, pumps.  The story had to do with how few top female models were black.  They interviewed a couple of them, Naomi Campbell in particular and of course they were lamenting how terrible this fact was.  So then they went to Puff Daddy.  He of course reiterated just how unfair this situation was.  They then showed a fashion show of Puff's  male clothing line.  All, and I do mean all of the male models were black.  I just love this.

It got me to thinking about our current political race.  To my knowledge we have NEVER had a black Vice Presidential candidate.   "I" think, in the interest of fairness, Barrack should select a black (man or woman), as I don't want to be accused of discrimination.  See how this works?   Hypocrisy has always been a pet peeve of mine and this is just too simple.

Friday, July 25, 2008

Voting Dilemma

   I made the comment the other day that I intended to vote for Obama because I knew what he was going to do.  In the case of McCain I have no clue.  I can't think of very many things about Barrack I like, and in fact there are many things about McCain I 'do' like.  But, the fact remains I never know what the Senator from Arizona is going to do.  This bothers me.

   What is beginning to assist me in my decision is the media.  They are oh so predictable.  Early on they were in love with Mr. McCain and I have known forever that when / if he became the nominee they would turn on him.  Has he changed his positions?  Nope.  Well, I rest my case.  In fact my dilemma is beginning to come into focus.  And the media in their fawning love affair for Mr. Obama is actually making me turn off the news.  And  if you are reading this, you are reading someone who has loved politics for as long as the McCarthy hearings in the 50's. 

   Again, anyone who has read these scribblings know I have major problems with Senator McCain.  The lesser of two evils argument has never really meant anything to me.  I don't think that argument holds true for me even this year, but... the media's constant adoration of Mr. Obama, their refusal to ask hard questions - in the end it all adds up. 

   I can remember in the Iowa primary (how long ago was that), saying Obama was a good speaker and for a black man to win Iowa showed allot of things.  The main thing it showed was how far this country has come, however, based on his associations in the past etc., I believe in the end, if elected we are going to go backwards.  There is no question he can deliver a speech, as good or better than most; this changes when he speaks off the cuff, but in today's world that matters little. 

   It is indeed going to be an interesting fall campaign season... while I've not made my mind up officially, things are beginning to come into focus.  In the end, no matter who fills the slot, America will cope and survive. 

Friday, July 18, 2008

The View From 'Here'

I hope you got to see The Vew where the discussion was:  The "N" Word.  It absolutely drives me nuts, but it may just be 'the best' example of a double standard one can ever see.  You can apply what happened on that show to 'any' difference between liberals and conservatives.  A liberal will always have an excuse to continue on with their view (pun intended).  A conservative, even one who is 'trying' to change their view is discounted. 

Elizabeth, no matter what you think of her, was trying to express how we should all move on from using that word.  Whoopie and Sherry are not only adamant about continuing to use the word, but defiant about it.  And the other two?  Hiding under their chairs.  Oh well, it was a good example of why I believe the way I do.  And I will say it again.  With Barrack having risen as high as he has, that alone should be testament to how this country has changed.  If he is elected President one would think all the arguments would go away.  They won't.  I FIRMLY believe racism in this country is being set back aloooong ways... very sad to me.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Bank Failure Hub Bub

Watching the nightly news drives me absolutely bananas.  The mis-speaks by supposedly educated people is appalling.  Last night I happened to be watching ABC.  They were of course talking about the bank failure, the Indy Mac Bank to be precise.  They repeatedly spoke about the long lines of people waiting to get their cash, and the fear the people had of losing their money. 

What a waste of a chance to calm peoples fears.  Four little letters - F D I C.  The media 'could' have used the story to calm peoples fears that each account up to $100,000 is fully insured by the federal government.  Unless and until this government fails, the money is insured.  And if you have 'more' than $100,000 in a given bank, all you have to do is have more than one account in that bank.  Very simple English - 5th grade mentality stuff... but noooooo.  No mention of these minute facts.  Just more panic.

I'm eating dinner and a relative with very few assets calls and wants to know if they should take their money out of the frickin bank for crying out loud.  And you think the media is not at fault??  If you don't you are smoking something.  They do have responsibilities and it is not difficult to take those responsibilities seriously. 

And for the record?  If Joe or Jenny had more than $100,000 in a given account, I have zero sympathy for them.  If they have that sort of money they should know the rules.  Now, I'm heading off to the bank and move some money around.  Yea, right.

And one final thought - remember the Savings and Loan disaster back in the 80s????  Over 700 went belly up.  A little historical relevance might just be in order.  

Thursday, July 10, 2008


I am hearing this word used more and more in the media... I mean, it must be the word of the year.  Wassup with that??!!??

The Race

Michelle Malkin captures 'my' feelings precisely regarding 'The Race'.  I am attaching a link to one of her latest columns. 

The Race

I was even able to get my doctor to agree with me yesterday on the only word that is important in the world of immigration.  The word?  L E G A L

I then apologized for bringing politics into a doctor visit.  She asked why and I told her one should not bring up politics to someone who may have to stick their finger up one's ass.  It is the first belly laugh I've ever generated from her.  It is good to have a doctor you can talk to. 

Monday, July 07, 2008

Cake Mix

Ole Yellar Cake

You be the judge... just what wuz Saddam doin with this stuff?  I like yellow cake mix myself... maybe, just maybe that's what he wuz doin. Hmmm.