The Oil Reserve
Unless there is something "I" don't know, (and I know there is plenty), I totally disagree with the president releasing oil from the reserve at this time. What am I missing? If the refineries that are shut down are in the area devastated by Katrina, and the others are running at 98%+... what good will it do? Methinks it is merely a political move to 'appease' the sheep.
One think he did do in tandem with that decision is something all presidents should do... that is to relax some of the restrictions on the different blends required for different states. That one move alone (were it made permanent), would relieve the price of gas significantly. Did you know the refineries make more than 40 different blends of gas? State X need blend X, while a state next door needs blend Y. Hey folks, it costs m o n e y making all thee different blends.
I dunno, this disaster in the south 'may' finally wake this country up. As has been said on numerous occasions - there has not been a new refinery in this country in over 30 years and unless and until we do something about that, e.g. increase the production, that there petrol is gonna keep on going up Up UP!!