Realizing that I am probably biased, a few thoughts on the convention. It is about the only thing that keeps me up later than 10 PM. To some, that means I should get a life, to me it is sheer enjoyment.
John McCain - while I have problems with Mr. McCain he gave a decent speech. Overall John McCain 'needs' to be in the limelite. He has positioned himself to be ingratiated by both parties. That's OK I suppose, but I wish he would just go ahead and change parties and be done with it.
Rudy Gulianni - while I know he has been known as a moderate, when the chips were down in New York on 9/11/01, he came to the fore... he showed his leadership and he could lead this country. Watch Rudy, and he gave a great speech in my opinion.
Arnold - one of those who you know by a single name. WOW, I wanted to stand up and salute. To look up in the balcony and see Maria and the Bushes chatting prior to Arnold coming on... would you not like to have been a little mouse listening to 'that' conversation? Talk about politics making strange bedfellows. Arnold is the first politician I know who has had the gonads to invoke the name of Richard Nixon as a good thing. His reasons for being a Republican were classic and I didn't even realize before he annunciated those reasons that I fit right in there with him. The man is just that, a man! He has walked the walk. A leader to watch!!
Zell Miller - I have wondered often times why Zell didn't just change parties. If you think about it, his speech was reminiscent of those of days gone by. Back many moons ago, (1954 to be precise), when I became interested in politics, all conventions had hard driving speeches just like ole Zell delivered. "I" happened to love his speech. And I will even go further than that... if indeed the Democrat Party were made up of folks like Zell, I would think long and hard about whom I voted for. I would follow that marine into battle!! One more thing regards Zell... when he gave the keynoter speech for Bill Clinton in 1992, he was just as angry at President Bush 41 and guess what.... the Dems thought it was just great. What a bunch of weenies. His (Zell's) , whole point is, his own party has deserted him and this was his way of trying to give them a wake up call. I LOVED his speech. And if it offended those fricking [ independents ] they keep talking about... so be it... when you are spitting out facts like he was and you close your ears to those facts, you are not one I want on my team anyway.
The Vice President - quiet and smooth confidence. Always reasurring to me. While he talks, I compare him to Mr. Edwards... I don't think anymore needs to be said. I want Mr. Cheney on my side. Has he made mistakes? Yes, haven't we all. As I am typing this, I just heard a flash that President Clinton just had a heart attack.... umm, is John Edwards ready to step into the hot seat??? Me thinks emphatically NOT.
The President - the first thirty minutes of his speech I was disappointed... the rest? He hit a homerun. When he was talking about the troops he just about lost it; you could see the eyes welling just slightly. And, for the record, President Bush is no actor, what you see is what you get - has The President made mistakes? YES... does he have shrapnel in his ass? NO. Would I follow him into battle? You bet!
I know I'm getting older but I did watch the entire Democratic convention also... I have thought off and on for the better part of 24 hours about who was the keynoter in that convention. I swear to you, I can not remember. I do know John Kerry went to Viet Nam.
So there I was last night... John Kerry was going to pull off the gloves and really get back at those wascally weepublicans... he was going to have a midnight rally in Ohio and come out swinging. It was after 11 PM here and there I sat, glued to the screen.... Mr. Edwards comes on first and in the intro informs us that Mr. Kerry had gone to Viet Nam. Ummm, I think I heard that somewhere. Finally Mr. Kerry comes on... he informs us he is carrying shrapnel in his ass and I'm thinking... OK but where do you differ with The President on the issues of today? And folks, when you get down to 'IT' there is only one issue, and it is the war on terrorism. The Islamic fanatics must be addressed... PERIOD.