Poor Mister Gandolfini – it will be interesting to see how all the people who fell down slobbering over James, turn on him now that the autopsy results and or eye witness reports have been released.. http://goo.gl/dD3js A sad day for the acting world, and what was in his stomach will not change ‘my’ opinion.
Immigration – what a fiasco. Lies, lies, and more lies. The wall to secure the border was approved, I repeat, approved in 2006. The fence was to be abit over 700 miles long. They built 36 and quit. Now of course they want us to believe, via an amendment, it will be completed. This of course, AFTER the fact. It is bogus, I do not believe a single word or person emitting from, or spoken by Congress. It is sickening.
http://goo.gl/A8lAs Do you even think Chelsea ‘knew’ what she was saying? I do not think she thought it through. While I know the crowd she was trying to woo, think about what she was espousing. Doesn’t matter to that crowd, I know.
Speaking of which, more on immigration – I keep hearing the argument we need the workers to come in and build the population. Umm, I wonder if all those aborted in the last 40 years might have made a difference. Take a look at this site, then you tell me. http://goo.gl/RiFGK
I will repeat this here and now, something I said sometime ago. Even though not one elephant voted for Obama Care, the elephants WILL be blamed for its failure. Take it to the bank! It is amazing to watch.