John Smyzer's Ramblings

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

I Love This

I cannot tell you just how much I am enjoying this.  You wanted this, you are going to GET it.  Once you realize the ONLY place there is money is the middle class, the circle will be complete.

Are you watching Cyprus?  Ha ha.  It is coming my friends.  Don’t really give a rat’s ptooie if you believe me or not.  They found out real quick in CYprus the money confiscated from the rich as not enough.  The middle class… ahhh, yowsa… they have money.

Let me give you an analogy. A rich bastard with 50 Million buckeroos. 50,000 midddle class with 50 grand each… Umm who has the money.  We are sheep, we will get precisely what we deserve.  I do NOT care.  Take it Master… you are all exalting.


Your humble condescending pissant – johan

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

The Chickens Are Coming Home To Roost

   As we move on to find out what was really in Obama Care it is becoming clearer all the time the bill should have been read before it was passed.

   During the campaign I said no matter who was elected, the new President was going to be the recipient of actually implementing the new plan.  The plan was front loaded with niceties so nobody would realize the pain that was forthcoming.  That has begun and will spiral by the beginning of 2014. 

   By the time Obama Care has been fully implemented the gag factor is going to be loud amongst the little people.  We the people will suddenly realize we’ve been had (some of us knew it long  ago).  It did no good to tell anyone, nobody believed – I think they are beginning to, but it is too late.

   As for me – I do not care.  You got precisely what you wanted. You wanted to believe a liar, you did, and now the consequences.