John Smyzer's Ramblings

Thursday, November 29, 2012

The Fiscal Cliff

   In my opinion, let us ride over the cliff together.  This country cannot pay back what it owes.  We may as well begin anew now.  I firmly believe The President does NOT want an agreement.  He is demanding tax increases and we will cut spending later.

   I want to know just how many times we have to fall for that ploy.  The Republicans would be idiots to fall for it again.  Isn’t it amazing how The Bush tax cuts are good for the majority but not the top 1 or 2 percent?  Ole Bushie is good  only when they want him to be good.  I say to the elephants… just back away and let the cliff meet us flush in the face.  We may as well DO IT!!

   Our leader can then head on to his vacation.  He does not care about this cliff thingy anyway… take it to the bank.

Monday, November 19, 2012

More Post Election Thoughts

   As time has passed since the election, my cynicism becomes more and more prevalent.  When I hear supposed leaders in the Republican Party bad-mouthing Mitt it sickens me to my core.

   Jindal, Gingrich, Martinez, etc… they all seem to be jumping on the bandwagon to criticize.  Interestingly I do not see what ole Mitt said that was wrong.  I am supposedly one of his 47% because I am retired military, and also on Social Security.  And yet, “I” know he was not talking about me when he made those remarks.

   Similarly when Romney made the remarks the other day about all the gifts supporters of President Obama received, he was dead on the mark.  I will say most all Presidents do the same thing, but he was right on the mark.

   I was raised to believe there is no free lunch and I have preached that to my children at many different points in their lives.  Sadly, the current spate of Republican politicians seem to have bought into the ‘give’em gifts’ syndrome.  It is going to result in mass discontent when the monies run out (and they will run out) over time.  The course we are on is unsustainable in my opinion – I have lost some of my fire as I age; I think it is the acceptance of the trajectory our country is on and knowing even my own party has seemed to accept said trajectory. 

   It is my firm belief there are very few “HONEST” politicians.  I have finally, after all these years, concluded there is very little difference between the two major parties… their goal is to get elected and stay in office, e.g. power.

Friday, November 16, 2012

All Together Now

   Twinkies, Wonder Bread etc.  Why has not El Presidente’ offered to bail out the company and then turn it over to the unions, hmm? Only seems fair to me.  We are just beginning to bare fruit here folks…don’t stop now.

Saturday, November 10, 2012


   What is going to be so very delicious to me is when the people in this country (read as the average Joe), wakes up and says – you mean they thing “I” am one of the rich guys???  Yes ladies and gents… they are coming for YOU, and frankly you deserve it!  You asked for it, you are going to get it!  Ha ha ha ha ha – I love it. And no, I do not feel sorry for my kids and or my grand kids.  It is what you wanted!! Praises be to Allah or whomever you worship.

Passing Thoughts

Post the election I was (still am), quite distraught. I had convinced myself I was done ever writing about anything political. As the days pass I get heated at the oddest things and realize I can not just turn it off. Sooo, onward. I heard something on the radio this week that makes perfect sense to me. If you literally believe this country is headed for bankruptcy, why not get it over with. This person’s theory was simply for the Republicans to get out of the way, e.g. let the Democrats pass anything and everything they want. The end result will surely be that the bankruptcy will ensue much quicker thus forcing a new beginning. You absolutely know they are not serious about cutting anything. I was having lunch with two old cohorts yesterday. One who is still working was talking about the new taxes coming if those wascally wepublicans do not buck up and cowtow to The President. They were specifically talking about the payroll taxes. I asked if she knew what payroll taxes are destined for. She did not. For any and all – payroll taxes are what funds Social Security. What do YOU think has been happening to Social Security since the suspension of the payroll taxes? The Petraeus issue stinks to high heaven. Way too coincidental to me. And for the president to say he just found out is beyond belief. The good general ‘had’ been my pick to run for El Presidente in the Republican party…..laughing hysterically. That being said, he just had a widdle affair. We already know this does not discount a politician… right Billy Boy? That’s what we’ve been taught. Let me just say this… up and until there was sex involved, the media (except the dastardly FOX) have ignored Bengazhi. Now that we have S E X, it will get investigated. And I personally hope the general is subpoenaed and forced to testify. If he refuses, send his ass to jail, period! Something stinks, bigtime. One more thing - I told the table yesterday I was looking forward to the day when everyone in this room is going to awaken and realize the government thinks 'they' are part of the rich. The government needs more and more revenue, and even if they took all the money the rich now had, it would be gone into the wind quite quickly. They need revenue, and the middle class has it, period. But, you will get many things from ole Santa so just who in the heck cares. It will run out. The riots in Greece are nothing compared to what is coming.

Friday, November 02, 2012

Git Outta Here!

It is why my father dis-liked unions, it is why on at least three occasions in my life I stood toe to toe with union thigs. They make my skin crawl.

You can not make an argument that will change my mind so do not bother.