John Smyzer's Ramblings

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Passing Thoughts

Post the election I was (still am), quite distraught. I had convinced myself I was done ever writing about anything political. As the days pass I get heated at the oddest things and realize I can not just turn it off. Sooo, onward. I heard something on the radio this week that makes perfect sense to me. If you literally believe this country is headed for bankruptcy, why not get it over with. This person’s theory was simply for the Republicans to get out of the way, e.g. let the Democrats pass anything and everything they want. The end result will surely be that the bankruptcy will ensue much quicker thus forcing a new beginning. You absolutely know they are not serious about cutting anything. I was having lunch with two old cohorts yesterday. One who is still working was talking about the new taxes coming if those wascally wepublicans do not buck up and cowtow to The President. They were specifically talking about the payroll taxes. I asked if she knew what payroll taxes are destined for. She did not. For any and all – payroll taxes are what funds Social Security. What do YOU think has been happening to Social Security since the suspension of the payroll taxes? The Petraeus issue stinks to high heaven. Way too coincidental to me. And for the president to say he just found out is beyond belief. The good general ‘had’ been my pick to run for El Presidente in the Republican party…..laughing hysterically. That being said, he just had a widdle affair. We already know this does not discount a politician… right Billy Boy? That’s what we’ve been taught. Let me just say this… up and until there was sex involved, the media (except the dastardly FOX) have ignored Bengazhi. Now that we have S E X, it will get investigated. And I personally hope the general is subpoenaed and forced to testify. If he refuses, send his ass to jail, period! Something stinks, bigtime. One more thing - I told the table yesterday I was looking forward to the day when everyone in this room is going to awaken and realize the government thinks 'they' are part of the rich. The government needs more and more revenue, and even if they took all the money the rich now had, it would be gone into the wind quite quickly. They need revenue, and the middle class has it, period. But, you will get many things from ole Santa so just who in the heck cares. It will run out. The riots in Greece are nothing compared to what is coming.


  • Welcome back! I've been anxiously waiting for your post-election commentary.

    By Blogger Laurie Dick, at 11:24 PM  

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