The Election Draws Nigh
With the election fast approaching, I have a few thoughts running through my noggin. Just things that mane me wanna scratch my butt and go 'hmmm'. Anyone who has lived in Iowa knows the importance of The Des Moines Register. It is one of the most important papers in the state and is generally conceded to be slightly left of center. They endorsed President Obama back in the last election. So, scratching my buttocks, I wonder why The Anointed One would not give them an interview. Another instance of The President not giving an interview to a prominent newspaper, this time in Colorado. Isn't this interesting boys and girls? Don't you wonder why journalists cannot get to the 'real' issues these days? Oh, 'here' we go!!! The President on tour and being interviewed. You can add to this list 'The View', 'Letterman' and others like them. The toughest interview our President has gotten this year was by an outfit from Mexico. Journalism has been give a bad name in this country and should indeed be ashamed of themselves. The subject of bayonets came up in debate #3 the other night. Our President actually displayed his ignorance of their current usage. In fact they are used with some regularity in our incursions in the Mideast. I recently read about a young Marine who was being decorated - his squad was being over-run by a large group of enemy. He saw no way out but to attack straight into the onslaught. He ordered his troops to 'fix bayonets', (well, I'll be damned!), and that squad went direct into the attack. In the end, he was decorated for the valor displayed. The Bengazi incident is a disgrace once again to journalism. I want to say the one person (other than The President), I am most disgusted with is The Director of Central Intelligence, one David Petraeus. I will just say this... I worked in intelligence for many years. I have physically handed the 'Daily Intel Brief' to the Commander In Chief of The Strategic Air Command on many occasions. I know how the data flows. We have been lied to, and for the CIA to remain quiet in a situation like this is very disappointing to me personally. Our press should hang their heads in shame!
Have you seen the video of the Colorado interview?
Laurie Dick, at 10:32 PM
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