Passing Down Life’s Path For those of you who ‘think’ you are one of the 99%, here are your leaders. Follow them blindly; I look forward to seeing you during the aftermath which is surely coming.
I am very surprised by Barney Franks decision to depart Congress. On the other hand, I am very glad to see him get outta Dodge! He, as much as anyone is responsible for the fiscal mess this country is in today. Now go to Capitol Hill and lobby. David Frum says he may leave the Republican Party if either Romney or Huntsman are not nominated. I say? Hit the door David, and please do let it hit you on the way OUT! I get up early… just bred that way I guess. Regardless, I generally flip between Imus, Morning Joe, and Fox and Friends for my morning dose of news. Lately it has been getting harder and harder to watch Morning Joe, and I find I turn if off quicker all the time. In the early days of Morning Joe, Joe himself used to be balanced. He has been, like many, infected with the drivel from the left. He will not admit it, you just have to watch for awhile. Anyway, the above video just about says it all regards Morning Joe these da(ze). Yup, according to good ole Colin, it is the Tea Party’s fault. Ahh, and to think, there was a time I would have voted for you General. Get this through your head Sir. The Tea in Tea Party is for ‘Taxed Enough Already’. It is the garbage in government the Tea Party has revealed to its core. “That” Sir, is the difference between them and your precious OWS folks.