John Smyzer's Ramblings

Monday, November 28, 2011

Passing Down Life’s Path  For those of you who ‘think’ you are one of the 99%, here are your leaders.  Follow them blindly; I look forward to seeing you during the aftermath which is surely coming.

I am very surprised by Barney Franks decision to depart Congress. On the other hand, I am very glad to see him get outta Dodge! He, as much as anyone is responsible for the fiscal mess this country is in today.  Now go to Capitol Hill and lobby. David Frum says he may leave the Republican Party if either Romney or Huntsman are not nominated.  I say?  Hit the door David, and please do let it hit you on the way OUT!  I get up early… just bred that way I guess. Regardless, I generally flip between Imus, Morning Joe, and Fox and Friends for my morning dose of news.  Lately it has been getting harder and harder to watch Morning Joe, and I find I turn if off quicker all the time.  In the early days of Morning Joe, Joe himself used to be balanced.  He has been, like many, infected with the drivel from the left.  He will not admit it, you just have to watch for awhile.  Anyway, the above video just about says it all regards Morning Joe these da(ze). Yup, according to good ole Colin, it is the Tea Party’s fault.  Ahh, and to think, there was a time I would have voted for you General. Get this through your head Sir.  The Tea in Tea Party is for ‘Taxed Enough Already’.  It is the garbage in government the Tea Party has revealed to its core.  “That” Sir, is the difference between them and your precious OWS folks. 

Thursday, November 17, 2011

News One Does Not See & Some You Do

   Have you noticed any news or the lack thereof regards gas prices?  No mention of ‘Big Oil’ and all their profits.  Gee, I wonder if it has to do with who sits in the Oval Office. Dunno.

   We heard over and over again during President Obama’s run for the presidency that he would have the most ‘open’ government ever!  Remember?  I sure do.  It was so delightful thinking of open government.  Then they began doing the health-care bill.  All done behind closed doors… now, the Supreme Court has taken the case. Guess what Nancy is espousing.

   Did you hear the Occupy San Diego folk called for a moment of silence for the fellow who shot at the White House.   Close your eyes, bow your heads and think if you would have heard this on the news had it been a Tea Party rally.  Can we all just open our eyes abit?  Didn’t think so, but it is worth pointing out the hypocrisy. Dear God the hypocrisy!

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

This’n That

   Herman Cain:  It is time for you Sir, to give it up.  And I like you. You cannot however, give answers like you did on the questioner on Libya.  Just give it up Herman; go and sell your book.  And Rush, you can not make excuses for him.  People can and will make up their own minds.

   Can we be honest about one thing?  It matters not who is rising in the Republican field.  Once you get to the top you will be crucified by the media, period, end of discussion.  I think the media ‘wants’ Romney, and believe me, once he is  nominated, they will crucify ‘him’.  Book it! From his Mormonism to his flip flopping over the years.  Mainly they want him because of his backing of health care in MA.

   Penn State:  I guess we all have our opinions on this issue; mine are centered on two people at the moment.  Paterno and the assistant coach (graduate assistant at the time he ‘saw’ Sandusky in the shower).  First of all, I have always held Paterno in high esteem.  No more.  It is a sad commentary for him to go out this way, but I think he deserves the ridicule. You will never convince me he was totally unaware of what what going on around that campus. As as for the grad assistant?  If he had ‘any’ morals, and if the indictment is true in what he saw.  He is yellow for not going into that shower and physically knocking Sandusky on his ass. I suspect Paterno will die of a broken heart. 

   The great state of NE gets the privilege of paying for another environmental impact statement for the Keystone pipeline.  It appears the drive to stop the laying of the pipeline across the Sandhills in NE was successful.  The impact statement was already done, and if you ask me, this verifies the EPA is a sham.  If the EPA statement was indeed detrimental, do you not think  the government would  have released that information?  You bet your sweet buttocks they would!  Now we get to start over on the impact to the rerouted area.  Good luck Nebraska.  The dirty little secret is, the environmentalists do not want oil, period. 

Tuesday, November 08, 2011

Just a Lookin at The News  I don’t really care what your party affiliation is, or who you blame for Fast and Furious; for our Attorney General (from whatever party) to NOT at least call and console the aggrieved family is a disgrace.  Insolent ass!

   President Obama is showing real courage by delaying the Keystone Pipeline decision until 2012.  At least that is when it appears the decision will be made.  That way, whichever way he decides, the upcoming election will be over.  Real courageous doncha think?  The dirty little secret is those opposed to this pipeline don’t want a pipeline ‘anywhere’.  They want a windmill.  The differences between the Tea Party and OWS are almost perfectly enunciated in this article.  Speaking for myself – I am by no means in the 1% financially; I am, without equivocation on the side of the so-called 1%.

   Just a thought or two regarding the supposed 1% – I suspect the following people are in the 1% – Buffett, Gates, Bezo, Jobs (yes I know he’s deceased) – here is my point.  Take those billionaires, do you think the billions they have accumulated through free enterprise skews the numbers just abit?  I guess one can make numbers say anything they want, but think about it just abit.  This is a disgusting story purporting mishandling of war dead by the Air Force.  I want you to imagine, just imagine if President Bush were still in office.  Just close your eyes, lean back and think about his still being President.

Thursday, November 03, 2011

OWS vs Tea Party

   Surely on can decipher the major differences between what is going on with OWS and what went on with the Tea Party rallies. Let’s see if we can identify just a few.

   a)  No arrests with the Tea Party – allowing for the fact there may have been a few, they did not get publicized, so I have to conclude there were none. With the OWS crowd the arrests are now in the hundreds – even the low thousands.

   b)  It was said time and again after Tea Party rallies concluded the places were as clean or cleaner than when the rally began.  It has been reported places being occupied by OWS personnel are like pig stys. Something to be proud of doncha think?

   c)  The Tea Party folks almost in toto are and were hard working people who want one thing;  they believe their taxes are high enough and we are not getting what we are paying for.  In general we can say OWS people are not working and want handouts.  How can one say this so convincingly?  Because, jobs being what they are in this country today, those hanging out sure as the world are not working.  These people are takers, period.

   So now they want to shut down the port in Oakland.  It amazes me the people they are putting ‘out’ of work.  An interesting concept.  One has to conclude they believe anarchy is the answer. I can and will say this as emphatically as I can.  President Obama has fostered class warfare since the beginning – he learned it as a community organizer.  He has successfully injected the notion into our day to day discourse.  He is reaping the fruit of this seeding.  He can be proud, but hopefully it will backfire.  Once people begin to die (and they will); once the violence and destruction become too great, the people will rise up and ‘take this country back’!