John Smyzer's Ramblings

Friday, December 31, 2010

A Thought or Two

   Washington Post and Newsweek columnist Ezra Kline says it is impossible to understand the U.S. Constitution because it is over 100 years old.  Think about this statement for a moment or two. The U.S. Constitution is around 26 pages long.  Umm, how long is the Healthcare Bill?  Just wondering.  You can hear a clip of this yo yo here:

   You tell me just how ironic this conundrum is – Homeland Security gal Janet visiting Afghanistan under the premise of beefing up the border security.  Umm, just wondering if we could maybe beef up the security to our South. Hmmm?  HooRah!!!

   Gas is up over three bucks a gallon and nary a peep out of the press.  Nobody yakking about the dirty filthy rich oil companies. This has to be Bush’s fault somehow does it not? 

Monday, December 27, 2010

A Few Observations

   I notice the Russians are taking a month or so to look over the new START Treaty.  Fancy that - they claim they want to take the time to read the thing.  Somewhere along the line we are going to wise up.  It just 'had' to be done before the end of the year... it just 'had' to be so The President would not look bad.  Yup... snookered once again.  We like it though. 

   End of life counseling.  Personally I have nothing against this happening in hospitals etc., but, they had to take this 'out' of the health care bill before they could get it passed in Congress.  So what is the status now?  Those administering this hodgepodge just wrote a regulation to include end of life counseling as a matter of law.  No problem folks.  We will make the laws via regulation, and if you don't like it, lump it!  Ahhhh, feels good doesn't it? By the way, do you know 'any', I repeat 'any' doctor that will not as a matter of course participate in an end of life discussion with their patient?  I don't, but then I guess I am living in a hole. Don't forget one thing - Speaker Pelosi said we had to pass it before we knew what was in the bill.  Guess what.  They can add anything they want just by someone writing a regulation.  




Tuesday, December 14, 2010


   Can we all please agree being bipartisan  really means if your side wins?  I am so sick and tired of the word bipartisan.  One things for sure; during the health care debacle it was partisan and NOT bipartisan. 

   Now with the Republicans coming into power in the House, all we hear is we need to be bipartisan.  Makes me wanna vomit in a way, but knowing the Republicans the way I do, they will probably capitulate.  They wanna be loved so badly.

   You can take this back to the lowest level you can think of.  When you were a child and went next door to see if Johnny wanted to play – somebody would say, let’s play kickball, and the other might say, lets play baseball.   Now, if you were bipartisan, you’d play each game for half the time, but you know it didn’t work out that way.  One or the other won out, e.g. they WON the debate!!!

   Same thing in politics.  One side wins, the other loses.  There is nothing wrong with being partisan (if you have the right ideas).  And, “IF” you are NOT  partisan, you should not be affiliated with any political party. 

   Now, git up to the blackboard and write one hundred times.


Sunday, December 12, 2010

This’n That

   Did you know two of the ways Congress planned to pay for the new health care were 1) eliminating the high end of the Bush tax RATES, and 2) cutbacks in payments to doctors in Medicare?  Well, let’s see now – Congress capitulated on the cuts to the doctors, and I think we all know the Bust tax RATES for all will continue. 

   I was no ‘real’ fan of President Clinton, although he looks pretty good right now, but… it was so interesting watching the body language last week when Presidents Obama and Clinton took the stage after their meeting.  President Clinton absolutely dominated the scene.  I nearly felt sorry for President Obama.

   Not to fear what with the gas prices rising.  We can just buy more from the Arabs.  Ha ha ha ha ha ha.  Good grief, when will we ever learn?  And, along the same lines,  if ethanol cannot stand on its own two feet it should be eliminated.  Quit subsidizing things that do not sell.  Like GM!!!  Just a side note – gas was averaging $1.81 when President Obama took office. 

   I’m STILL waiting to have problems buying vegetables.   They told us there would be nobody to pickem when they cracked down on the illegals, and they ‘did’ tell us they were crackin down, so umm, I’m just a wondering when the shortage will show up in the commissary. Oh well, off to make a salad to munch on with some ham.

Friday, December 03, 2010

Rambling Along Life’s Path

   The news the other day again woofed about The Octomom being way behind on her rent in her 400K house.  Article said the landlord was really getting tired of this and was gonna finally put her out <THIS TIME>.  I do NOT care.  “Please” put her out!!!

   George W must be smiling right about now.  The democrats are eating themselves over the tax issue.  For the entire eight years Bush was in office his tax cuts were bad, horrible, whatever descriptive you can come up with.  Now, (and they do still control things), – they are going to end up extending the tax rates Bush implemented.  You can see it coming from a mile away.  Think about this just abit.  The ‘know’ there has never been a time when raising taxes has generated jobs.  I always hear about during the Clinton years taxes were higher.  If you allow your mind to slip back gently. you will remember the internet was just getting up and going – bigtime.  Al G and all that rot.  I can remember seeing all the money flying around and yet looking at the bottom line of companies and saying… where is the actual money?  Don’t just think about companies like Google.  Too many to count went tango uniform (if you need that explained), just ask.  It was a bubble, much like what happened with housing.  Doesn’t matter; Bush just has to be smiling abit.

   We keep being told if the unemployment benefits are not extended beyond the current 99 weeks, 600,000 will be added to the unemployment ranks almost immediately. Well, let us now apply that sort of logic to a few other things. Let us pay farmers to quit tilling their land thereby ‘increasing’ the food supply. Let us quit drilling for petroleum, thereby increasing oil supplies.  Should work doncha think?  Sometimes the logic given to us by government mouthpieces is astounding.  And yes I do know we currently pay farmers to not plant, and our current government has in essence quit drilling for ‘new’ oil.  I am not sure what to make of the length of time one can draw unemployment.  I do know that over the years I was working I did things at times I did not want to do.  It was because I wanted to eat. 

   I am going to do my very best to not make a mess when Nancy turns the gavel of The House over to John when the new Congress convenes.  I will make sure I am sitting on a double towel.

   Remember when they told us if we got tougher on illegals we would not have fresh vegetables cause they would rot in the fields?  Supposedly, depending on whom one talks to, the numbers of illegals has decreased.  In fact with the high unemployment rate in this country, many have returned to home base.  Umm, have you had any problems getting veggies?  Just wondering and wandering, looking for answers.

Wednesday, December 01, 2010

This’n That

   I continue to be amazed at (generally) the Left’s fascination with Ms. Sarah Palin.  When I say ‘generally’, I also refer to Mr. Joe Scarborough of Morning Joe on MSNBC.  Joe portrays himself as a conservative Republican – he will say this at least five times each week.  I no longer wonder who he is trying to convince.  He left the reservation quite some time ago.  Regardless, he now is trying to plant the seed of a third party headed by the mayor of New York City with himself as the Veep.  He will of course deny this, but he just keeps planting the seed hoping it will sprout.  I guess this is the reason he keeps attacking Sarah. He talks about needing civility in politics today, then talks about “is Sarah Palin too dumb to be President?”  Sounds civil to me Joey.  Just little things like that keep coming from the mouth of Morning Joe.

   I’ve said on several occasions I do not believe Sarah will be President.  ‘MY’ reason is of a much simpler origin than Joe of course.  I just believe Sarah’s voice, over the course of a campaign would grate on folks to the point she could not win.  Has nothing to do with what she says – in fact I appreciate her ‘getting directly to the point’ on different issues.  And btw – Sarah’s calling out Blue Blood Republicans is RIGHT ON THE MONEY!

   Wiki Leaks Assange.  I’m not too sure what to think about this issue.  One thing I do know from my own experiences.  If anyone thinks that young Army Private was able to supply all that Assange has distributed by himself, they are smoking something. If anything, what has been revealed so far shows just how much the classification of material is misused. Is it embarrassing to the U.S.?  Yes.  On the other hand, perhaps we have it coming to a degree. Something to keep an eye on and watch people squirm abit.

   The new GM Volt is gonna sell for 41K – cost to GM to build the Volt is 40K – there is supposedly going to be an 8K tax credit if you buy one.  Guess who is making up the difference.  The circus man was right about suckers. 

   Why would ‘anyone’ be surprised Hillary had people checking on the Argentine President?  Just when Hillary had nearly completed her rehabilitation old memories come flooding back.  Can you say FBI files?  Like 900 of them?