This'n That
If you are thinking the influx of illegal immigrants has taken the United States by surprise you are a fool. It does not take long for Administration Policies to get around. Why do you think little children are being sent to cross? People of this country are fools and we deserve precisely what we get. It is maddening. I see comments about, 'we should make the feds pay for this'. They have no fricking concept on who the feds are it seems. Just plain disgusting!
Not real sure what to make of The Presidents reaction to the Bergdahl release. I find it fascinating he has not yet spoken with his parents. Aside from anything else, this fascinates me greatly. In my own mind the reason for the release of the 'T E R R O R I S T S' is the end game of closing Gitmo. By getting rid of the five most dangerous, the path is cleared to continue. Senator Graham says if he (The President) does this again, he may be impeached. That that I say balderdash! The Republicans do not now, nor have they for along time had any balls! They are yellow, have proven it to me time and time again. I no longer believe them any more than I do President Obama.
The word is, this country has now gained back ALL of the jobs lost during the recession. Left unsaid is the fact we have fifteen million more people since then and 92 million Americans are no longer working. We are at the tipping point of having permanent unemployed people. Now I wonder, just who will this permanent unemployed class vote for... hmmmm? Ole Mitt was right, only by now the 47% is probably at 48% and climbing. Once it goes over 50, America's the writing of America's obituary can commence being written. We are dangerously close.