John Smyzer's Ramblings

Friday, October 14, 2011

Occupy Wall Street

  Me?  I hope these freaks refuse to leave; I hope they resort to violence; I hope they don’t bathe for weeks on end.  Sadly, the cold will come and they will leave.

   Once again, these wackos remind me of 1968, except I honestly believe this bunch is less informed.  I’m not even against some of the things they are for – it is just ‘they’ don’t know what they are for themselves.

   One of the arguments I get the biggest kick out of is the one saying no big wall street peep has gone to jail.  Let me be the first to tell you, if there were law breakers there, they would have been cuffed and publically walked to jail.  The simple fact is, the [LAWMAKERS] in this country have created such a maize of laws, the rich, through their lawyers can get away with just about anything.  Why not blame the lawmakers?  That is where the issue lies.

   In my mind, begin anew in this country with the tax laws.  Scrap it all, and make it simple – make it so simple one can NOT get around paying their fair share and you could take away many of the issues that now face this country. 

   One last thing – while I no longer work, I sure as this world turns on its axis, never got a job from a poor person (or a company that did not make money).  Good grief!

Tuesday, October 04, 2011

Passing Thoughts

   The charge by Bank of America is a simple one to ward off.  Simply change banks if you do not desire to pay.  I would however, gently suggest to the class this charge was brought on by you loving Congress.  They are the ones responsible by limiting the amount banks could charge merchants on transactions. Always remember, for every action, there is indeed a reaction.

   I’ve been watching Herman as he goes through the rigors of the campaign.  Have been aware of him for many years because of Godfather’s Pizza.  Herman was the CEO and therefore resided in Omaha.  I must say, there is not much he says I disagree with, and I would not be too awful surprised if he didn’t surprise some folks.  Wouldn’t it be an interesting contrast to have two black men running against each other?  It would be “THE” most revealing thing you ever saw… the left would finally be revealed to be the biggest hypocrites in all the land.

   Looking more and more like our esteemed Attorney General may have broken the law.  Funny, I am not surprised in the slightest. Speaking about ‘Fast and Furious’.

   Methinks we need some sub-zero weather for the protestors around the country.  I am tickled to see them with their iPhones, iPads, laptops, etc. and protesting.  Come on winter!!!  Make it a tough one.

   People today no longer listen to words.  Words do mean something, and it is a major pet peeve of mine.  Take Hank Williams Jr. – he did NOT compare our esteemed President to Hitler.  He was making an analogy.  I can not remember, was that fifth or sixth grade when we learned analogies?  A sad sad commentary.  Now I am not even excusing the use of the word ‘Hitler’.  I am merely speaking of how his ANALOGY was reported.