The Honorable Senator From Arizona
This fellow is making me feel ill in the pit of my stomach. The great maverick as he's called. First of all, were he to ever get the nomination of the republican party, he would no longer be seen as standing for justice and being an independent thinker. I do not think for a minute he can ever obtain the nomination for that party but he is definitely doing lots of wishful thinking.
Think of it - here is one of the cogs in the McCain Feingold bill - the bill that was supposed to clean up campaign finance... what a farce - the elections of 2004 had more money than ever and nobody can deny that fact.
Here is a guy who has succeeded (in my opinion), in gutting the ability to interrogate terrorists. He says it does not work... Mr. McCain is exhibit A in the fact it 'does' work... he will even admit it worked on "HIM" during his captivity. I can not nor will I ever deride McCain's service to his country, and I'm not too sure I've ever heard 'anyone' do so... but, his bill to in affect put the gloves 'on' those who must do the dirty work of interrogation sickens me. We are not talking about prisoners of war; we are talking about terrorists. And now today, The Patriot Act has been gutted, and I believe it is a direct result of this McCain bill. We are right back to square one, right where we were [before] 9/11.
I am disgusted with the two faced Republican party - they have no clue on what is, has, and will happen again in this country..... they want to KILL and DESTROY this country. I'm thinking they are winning.