John Smyzer's Ramblings

Wednesday, September 07, 2011

Do As I Say–Not As I Do

   The rhetoric coming from the left post the shooting of Gabby Gifford was deafening.  Seems just prior to the wingnut shooting the congresswoman Ms. Palin had talked about targeting democrats in the political races in Arizona.  Without rehashing the meaning of the word targeting, democrats used those words to imply Sarah was responsible for the shooting.  Bunch of crap – period!

   Now comes the Hoffa incident calling for ‘taking out the S.O.B.s – it is absolutely delicious listening to the left justifying Hoffa’s remarks.  Personally I don’t give a hoot.  I’ve been called much worse than an S.O.B. and considering who it is coming from, I will take it as a compliment.

   Ms. Pelosi is ticked the GOP is not responding to President Obama’s speech on Thursday evening.  Evidently she is peeved because nobody on that side of the aisle will be able to ridicule ‘whomever’ the GOP may have given the task of responding.  In other words, she got her toy taken away.  They were deprived of ‘getting’ to ridicule. Makes me feel all squishy inside.  BTW – this little façade happens on ‘both’ sides.  Need more proof the truth comes out when least expected?  When a supposedly unbiased newsman says ‘our pollsters’ are concerned ….  well, you get the picture.

   The issues within the postal service are massive.  Having worked there for a period of time (not a long period), I do know they are not overpaid.  I also know there is a massive discrepancy between what the human costs are in the postal service as opposed to UPS and FedEx.  Something is wrong somewhere.  The scare stories about shutting them down is only the tip of the iceberg.  Parks, firefighters, police… does anyone notice a theme here?  Government…..something is wrong.  Wonder what it could be. Anything to do with public services is going to be put out there to make you/us say… we cannot do without ‘THAT’!! But, I suspect in the end we all will have to do with less.


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