John Smyzer's Ramblings

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Mr. President

I was out and about today getting my oil changed - The President was having a news conference. Mr. Plain Talk - about all I can say is - please give us more of this - it is a serious mistake to be holed up and not 'speaking to the people'... letting the press mold the public. And let there be no mistake... the public is moldable (if there is such a word). : )
I just think it is so very refreshing to have a man of principle - you don't have to agree, but having said that, you don't have to consider all the angles either. History will indeed judge the president, good bad or indifferent, but they will 'never' be able to say he didn't stand on his beliefs. That means something to me.

We got a little snow this first day of spring... wonderfully wet snow. Not getting hardly any during the winter months, this was actually a godsend. Being a retired sort, I would not have cared had we gotten twice as much. : ) I am grateful for what we did get.


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