John Smyzer's Ramblings

Friday, January 13, 2006

Nominee Alito

I don't know how many have watched any of the hearings; it matters not I suppose. I have watched as much as I can - I wish I knew where my love for that sort of thing originated - my 'first' remembrance of similar hearings were the MaCarthy hearings in the 50s... I was 6 or 7 at the time... how in the world that made an impact on me is beyond my comprehension, but it evidently did. Regardless, a few thoughts on Judge Alito and his appearance before the senate.

I can not get over the obvious superior knowledge the judge had over those doing the questioning. It matters not to me, in fact I implore hard questioning, hard being indepth, tough, whatever descriptive you want to use. In the time I was able to watch, this is what was obvious. The senators (both parties), like to hear 'themselves' talk, and often times won't wait for the answer before they are talking again.

The judge was able to remain calm and collected, and his answers were succinct and to the point. I didn't see or hear him duck anything. I have watched many of these grillings over time; Judge Alito was the most forthcoming of any I have ever seen. How he was able to maintain his cool under the vitriolic innuendo is beyond me. I remember the Justice Thomas hearings. I happen to like Justice Thomas, but when the innuendo became too pointed during his hearings, his voice rose up in defiance (which I applauded I might add). Judge Alito on the other hand appeared in my mind to be so far above the blowhards as to just be looking on them as a parent would a spoiled child. It was exhilarating in its own way... and then he'd respond in a calm and direct way. It was wonderful.

The judge was not afraid to be honest about 'his' judicial philosophy. The Republican Party as a whole could learn some valuable lessons from his performance. Put freaking political correctness on the back-burner - be honest with yourself - it is so very refreshing (at least to me). :)
For Senator Kennedy to lecture anyone (even his grand children) on ethics is beyond my ability to comprehend. For a man with his history to be questioning a potential Justice of The Supreme Court? Something is wrong with that picture.

In the final analysis (mine anyway) - I expect nominee Alito will make decisions I do not agree with over the course of time... but, one thing I believe I have gleaned from watching him; he will deliberate with diligence, and will not 'make' law... he will interpret the law and render a decision. For that, I am grateful.

And finally - I wonder if The President didn't once again snooker the opposition... was Harriet Meirs a decoy? I mean, did he, in the final analysis, put her up because he 'knew' what would happen and then he'd be able to put in someone of Judge Alito's stature? Or, have I just been watching too much 24? :) It is something to contemplate.


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