John Smyzer's Ramblings

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

This'n That

While I believe the administration has waited way too long to fight back and present facts, I am happy they are finally taking the lead in rebutting some of the charges by the democratic party. For at least a full year, or more precisely, when things got tough in Iraq, the opposition has called the president a liar and worse, implying he knowingly led the country into war with false information etc. It has been a steady drumbeat, and the press lapped it up and took polls, blah blah blah. All with the desired result - Mr. Bush's poll numbers showed a steady downward trend.

As to Congressman Murtha - I have seen nobody denigrate his service to this country - but, just because someone has served, albeit in a war, or just put on the uniform... that does not isolate them from criticism for crying out loud. This congressman has been against fighting Iraq even before we went, and that is A.O.K.. From the Pittsburgh Leader Times - January 2003:
"The volume of calls, letters and emails increases when the President makes a speech and then (the messages) tails off," Murtha said. "We've had many more people express opposition to war than support for it."
"At this point, I agree with them," he added. "I've been critical of the administration because many of their statements have alienated our allies, and it'll be extremely expensive if we try to go it alone without the U.N. backing."

Now, I am not even arguing his points - my point is, the media is using his RECENT statements to say, oh my, we have this veteran, this most respected of warriors who is against the war. I say CRAP... be honest when you present the story of the congressman, and at least acknowledge he was against it before we even went into Iraq.

Here is what I simply do NOT understand - let us say for this moment in time that the American people are 70-80% against how the president is conducting the war. Why then did they not vote their conscience when voted this past week. Because they have no backbone... how else can you explain the vote? They 'do' control the purse-strings of this nation. They 'could' cut off funding and that would indeed result in bringing the troops home. And frankly they might even have my respect if the followed their conscience... this way, I have nothing but contempt.


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