John Smyzer's Ramblings

Saturday, November 12, 2005

It's About Time!!!

It would appear, based on all news accounts that The President has lost the confidence of the american people. Not really too surprising when one considers the daily drum beat, but so be it I suppose. The American people generally get precisely what they want - in this case, based on what one reads, they will throw the rascals out.

One things for sure, it was waaay overdue for the president to fight back, and I hope it continues. Somehow I doubt it will, but to hear the dems and the press bleat and bray post his speech on Veterans Day, one knows they don't like it - if 'they both' don't like it, that generally means "I" do. Contrarian fellow I am, my heart tells me to hang tough, difficult though it is to hang in there.

I listened to President Clinton speaking somewhere the other day... what a gifted speaker... as I think back to his presidency, I can't think of anything he really did, but he made you 'think' he was doing something every day. President Bush is way out of that league as a speaker, but I feel I can believe what he says. Evidently I'm in the minority, and that is generally right where I am.

My helper, below - Bodie Anne

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