John Smyzer's Ramblings

Friday, March 03, 2006

Port Security

OK - let me get this straight. We are in a world economy; anyone who doubts that is absolutely out of touch with reality. A poorest of the poor, living on a street corner in India could open their own business 'ON THE INTERNET' and thrive if they have something others around the world want. Having said that, herewith a few thoughts.

1) No matter who you talk to in our political culture, to a person, everyone agrees we have not done enough to 'secure our ports'. OK? Perhaps I might agree with that theory.
2) Politically speaking, 'most' democrats, and 'many' republicans are now saying they do not want any foreign government to have control of American port operations (even though many still use the phrase port security).

I think everyone can agree with those two statements in toto... nothing really earth shattering about them... just reality, the lay of the land if you will. So, what to do? I propose the following:
1) If America's port security is so bad, determine who in the sam hill (read as what country), has the BEST port security.
2) Hire that company / country to fix ours!!! Oh, that's right, we can not hire those evil foreigners... well my friends, you are either going to hire them or you are going to be more and more isolated.
3) We could 'always' hire that famed American company, umm lessee, Halliburton! Yea! That would really go over... what a world we live in... the global economy is indeed reality - one day we will all have to acknowledge same.


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