John Smyzer's Ramblings

Friday, June 03, 2011

This’n That Around The Country

   The lady who speaks ‘for’ the Democrat Party (Debbie Wasserman Schultz), way back when the President wanted to bailout the car companies, said if the Republicans did not back this issue they’d have Americans driving foreign cars.  Fast forward – according to Florida motor vehicle records, ole Deb drives a Nissan. Way to go babe.

   Gallup says 71% of Democrats favor redistribution of wealth.  An equal percentage of Republicans disapprove.  Here is what it is all about when you peel away the garbage.  It depends on what who thinks is wealth (as always).  By that I mean, if you earn 10K per year and someone deems that being wealthy, you are now the one being gored.

   So tell me:  Is Weiner Being Frank?  This is the funniest headline I saw regards the subject and it was written by Jonah Goldberg. Just tickled me.  I’ve heard Weiner being interviewed too many times to count (prior to this incident).  I always admired his – ‘don’t take their crap attitude’, but this time he has his watchamacallit in some hot buns. 

   To say there was a housing bubble is a given.  Eventually the true bottom will occur.  The monies spent trying to stimulate the housing market (in my opinion) was pissed down a rat hole.  It delayed the inevitable. I’ve said for many years I did not buy my house as an investment; I bought it to live in to avoid paying rent and for the tax break.  I could walk out the door today without making even one dime and not give a rat’s patooie.  Nobody believes me; I swear it is true.  I was angry having to wait for my iPad 2, but this young fellah took it to an extreme.  I think I could have waited.  I tweeted this story yesterday, but for the non tweeters out there… :)

   You are going to see stories like this more and more in the coming months and years.  “I” think the party is over, but many (first responders included), think ‘they’ are the only ones to make the big bucks.  I realize big bucks are all relative, but this issue of cutting back on fighting fires, fighting crime are tools the public unions have and will use, only more so…. they believe that the people can keep coughing up more and more.  I don’t think they can.


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