The Perks of The Rich
The perceived problem of our new Secretary of The Treasury nominee, Timothy Geithner is all bogus. You have to know by now that people of status can indeed get away with anything. All you really have to do is pay up and go forward. Especially when the nation needs you, when you are ‘the’ only one who can fix things.
The failure to pay the proverbial Nanny Tax is one thing; the failure to pay self-employment taxes is quite another. He was, in other words, a private contractor. Having, ahem, had some experience in this matter, even little ole “I” know I have to pay taxes when acting as a private contractor. I am not however, in the elite class and have to tow the line.
There will be nothing happen to this fellow; he will be our new Treasure Secretary and all will be rosy. Makes me gag.
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