Blagojevich – [ Blah – Goya – Vitch ] – Hereafter Bloggo
There really is something interesting about the Bloggo situation – I was around and about Chicago yesterday and had the radio on almost constantly. I heard things I / you don’t hear from afar, or unless you are constantly surfing the net looking for updates. Regardless, I was stunned to hear the total disdain the people of Shytown seem to have for Bloggo. When one stops to consider Chicago / Illinois politics, can you honestly say you are surprised?
Here is the surprise. The democrat party trying to get rid of this guy without due process. I mean, they want him out of the way in a hurry. You have to know this is very unusual behavior for the democrat party. Think back to the last time you heard of anyone in the democrat party being accused of wrongdoing and the denials, the stonewalling, the backing by the party as a whole for the accused. Not for Bloggo. Do you not find this intriguing?
Could it be to get this guy outta sight before he is linked to The President Elect? The President Elect (TPE) says he had NO communication with Bloggo regarding his replacement in the Senate. Do you believe that? First of all, there would be nothing wrong with a communication of that sort, in fact it would be customary I would think. It would be out of respect that any governor meet with the outgoing Senator to garner their input. But NO communication??? I am sorry Mr. Obama, I do not believe that, not even a teensy weensy bit. If it doesn’t make sense, it isn’t true. I learned that from Judge Judy, and methinks she is right. It just does not pass this cynics smell test.
So now we are going to be faced with the incessant drip drip drip of Bloggo-Gate. There is always something to yak about, doncha think?
The radio in and around Chicago said Bloggo’s approval rating is 8% – President Bush is probably gloating.
What were you doing in/around Shytown? Enquiring minds need to know!
Tootsie, at 8:50 PM
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