John Smyzer's Ramblings

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

The Morning After

So, after listening, I don't think he's serious. Serious about controlling the situation at our southern border... my days of giving President Bush the benefit of the doubt have passed. If we can put troops on the Syrian border, if we can put troops on the Iranian border, what in the sam hill is wrong with putting troops on our southern border?
What 'really' happened is, the American people gave Mr. Bush notice that he had better address the issue. I personally doubt if too many will be pleased with his effort.... at least those that he counts on, of which I am one.
I read a statistic that 90% of the murders in LA County this past year were committed by illegals. Ooops, there is that word again... I L L E G A L !!!! Can you read it Mr. President? I said along time ago in these spewings that immigration would be the issue of the upcoming elections. It is coming to fruition; all someone has to do is convince me they are serious about that pressing issue - they will win in a landslide. Methinks The President did not convince too many last night, sadly.


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