John Smyzer's Ramblings

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Stunned Surprise

   I was stunned and surprised at the outcome in the North East yesterday.  I knew nothing about this man, but what I heard from him during his acceptance speech was again, stunning and surprising.

   He made no bones about the fact he was ‘for’ health care reform, just done right.  He made no bones about where he stood as far as bringing terrorists to this country to be tried. He made no bones about what increased taxation is doing to this countries economy.

   Now… I don’t care if he is a Democrat or a Republican or a Independent or a Whig, or a Teabagger.  I want more people like him who are not afraid to speak clearly running for office.

   It was and is total ecstasy watching the Democrats trying to explain this man’s victory.  I especially enjoyed watching the vitriol originating from MSNBC last night.  Methinks the Republic is making a course correction. 


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