Taxing The Rich
As I type this, the market is up a little over 100 points after a 150 point drop on Friday. So, of course all weekend we had to listen to the analysts wonder if this was the beginning of a major 'crash', a 'readjustment' if you will.
Since there is nothing of the economy taught in our public schools, perhaps these [reporters] should report on what the ups and downs of the market mean. Perhaps they should calmly say, that what goes up, will come down, but over time will (or always has), gone back up again. Perhaps, just perhaps, they could draw a little sine wave and explain to new investors especially how the market has ups and downs. It is a natural sequence of events. Perhaps they should tell us how 150 points of 14,000 is not like 150 points of 5,000. Too much to ask, I know.
The market is up 30% since the first of the year... that means many common Americans, and whomever else is invested in our market has smiles on their faces. If they are even a little bit knowledgeable, they also know that it is approaching time for a correction of some sort. Does that mean taking their money and running? It shouldn't; however, listening to the nightly news, even though the market hit a new high of 14,000, the 150 point drop on Friday has them all wondering... 'again'.
So you say, what does this have to do with taxing the rich? Well, as always, you probably think you are not rich. What you better worry about is who decides who [is] rich. And when they decide it is indeed you, you will finally realize just what a good stock market implies. Class warfare is again running rampant in this country as we approach the elections of 2008. Many who believe they are not rich are going to be in for a major awakening when they are deemed so. It makes me smile. I really don't care anymore. I have finally arrived, knowing there is no escape from death and taxes.
The media plays along with the class warfare issue, 'and' the taxing of the rich. They are idiots. When the market falls, as the media seem to root for, those rich blankity blanks will have less money to tax. And that, I'm afraid, will be YOU. The problem is, you will already have been deemed as rich, and you WILL be paying those taxes.
Here is the bottom line... when the next president arrives, whether it be republican or democrat, the market is due to go down, remember the sine wave. It will be time. And there will be nothing the president can do about the natural tendencies of that wave. And 'you' will still be deemed rich. And for the record? The market could begin that downward trend today. :)
It's been too long since you blogged! Get busy. :-D
Leetle Seester
Anonymous, at 10:21 AM
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