Watering The Lawn
So it's dryer than a popcorn emission outside and I need to water. I need to set my sprinkler so it covers one way and then turns 90 degrees the other way, then back... kachuck kachuck kachuck - you know the sprinkler sound. When the water goes one way, it comes right up parallel to the house, and where the off/on valve is located, so if you want to move the sprinkler without turning things off, you have to time things when the kachucking is 90 degrees away, or at least 'on it's way'.
I'd been for my walk, was worn out from the heat, had removed my shoes and socks, and the water had run for an hour, so it was time to move things. I'm thinking I need to water another area of the yard so I won't shut it off, I will run out there while the water is running away from me, reposition the sprinkler, and all is well with the world. I DID remove my glasses cause I know how I always get them wet when I try this without turning the water off.... ain't gonna git ME!!!
So, I open the door, patiently waiting for the water to begin kachucking away from me, then sprint for the sprinkler. The ground is soggy, in fact I'm splashing as I approach the sprinkler and do a swan dive into the muck. The kachuck kachuck kachuck is getting louder as the dang thing is beginning to make its swing back the other way. I'm checking to see if I broke a leg or arm, feel like I can move, so OK - just as I feel somewhat normal - kachuck kachuck kachuck, and I get it flush in the face, at eye level, on my knees. I'm flailing, trying to crawl out of the way to no avail. Awww nuts, I calmly got up, repositioned the thing and came limping into the house grateful I had taken my glasses off. Today my wrist hurts but I think it is getting better.
peace and serenity..
m sorry for your wrist sir..is it ok now?
btw, thanx for commenting..actually, that essay was written by a certain Korean student here in the Phil, named Jaeyoun Kim, 4 years back
I urged myself to repost his/her (i don't know the gender) write-up since we Filipinos always need to be reminded.
I read that you were part of the military and defense industry and i bet you served well, sir.
Right now, you're retired but you seem not yet tired. :)
take care sir.
quincyjohn, at 4:01 AM
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