John Smyzer's Ramblings

Monday, February 24, 2014

Obama Care Is Here To Stay

Anybody who thinks for even one minute Obama Care is going to go away is fooling themselves bigtime.  Even if the GOP takes control of the Senate it is not going to happen.

First of all, NOBODY has the gonads to take away an entitlement.  It will now be left to the idiot Congress to try and make it function.  The good healthcare that has been enjoyed for most in this country has been forever altered.  It will take abit of time, but the model has been cast.

The majority in this country had two different chances to stop the Act; they did not, and it is written law even though Our Emperor changes the law with impunity.  He's done so more than twenty-five times already and Congress sits on their hands.

I have thought for some time the GOP 'old school' was in cahoots with the Donkeys.  What has taken place in the Congress in the past few years confirms my suspicions.


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